Hollywood is a magical word it makes ys think of the world of film stars, money and glamour.
Hollywood is in Los Angeles, California.
The first film made there was a silent movie in 1910, and, in 1913, the first film studio was opened.
In the 1940s, 400 films were being made in Hollywood each year. Today, much of the film industry and most of the studios have left Hollywood, but it is still the home of American cinema.
Hollywood actors like Charlie Chaplin, Marilyn Monroe and James Dean are icons. And the most successful films of all time are Hollywood products. From thrillers to romantic comedies and horror movies, Hollywood has always produced films for all tastes.
Did you know that there are more than 40,000 cinema screens in America? And, in 2008, more than 600 films were released in the USA. That's a lot, but it is less than Bollywood!

From Anne Hathaway and Kate Winslet to Angelina Jolie, top Hollywood actors are famous all over the world. They are famous for their films, and their personal lives too!

Today there is a big market for collecting Hollywood film posters. New posters are cheap: you can buy a Twilight poster for seven euros. But old film posters can be expensive. The record is the poster for The 1932 film The Mummy, which was sold for 318,000 euros!